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Montessori The Long Red Rods

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Montessori The Long Red Rods
Montessori The Long Red Rods
Cek Ketersediaan Produk

Kategori Usia (Bulan)

  • 24 - 36
  • 36 - 48

Berat Anak Max

    0 Kg

Berat Produk

    0 Kg

Sewa peralatan Montessori The Long Red Rods di GIGEL.ID.

Ten, red wooden rods. The height and width are constant. The lengths increase by ten centimeters from the shortest rod, which is one decimeter, to the longest which is one meter. Ten of the shortest rods would equal the length of the longest rod. The difference in length between any two consecutive rods is the same as the length of the shortest rod which is ten centimeters or one decimeter.
Further study of size. This time, size varies only along one dimension.The child judges by sight and touch. This enhances awareness of lengthin the environment.
DirectVisual discrimination of difference in dimensions (length).Muscular memory of length.
Indirect Preparation for mathematics.

Disarankan untuk usia 2,5 - 5 tahun

Untuk penjelasan lebih detail cara penggunaannya dapat dilihat di link berikut:

Harga Beli Produk (untuk perbandingan)

Rp 800.000

Durasi Sewa

2 Minggu

Harga Sewa

Rp 49.000

Cicilan 0% 3 Bulan *

Rp 16.333 / bulan

Durasi Sewa

3 Minggu

Harga Sewa

Rp 59.000

Cicilan 0% 3 Bulan *

Rp 19.667 / bulan

Durasi Sewa

1 Bulan

Harga Sewa

Rp 69.000

Cicilan 0% 3 Bulan *

Rp 23.000 / bulan

Durasi Sewa

2 Bulan

Harga Sewa

Rp 119.000

Cicilan 0% 3 Bulan *

Rp 39.667 / bulan

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